“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."
Winston Churchill
Data should play well together. Existing software packages offer many excellent features, but by definition they will only ever help to solve the most common (& predictable) problems.
In many cases data already exists to monitor and solve complex problems in agriculture, yet it often takes a lot of time, expertise and cost to collect before data analysis can even begin.
Perhaps we need to investigate an unusually high risk of LDAs in dairy cows calving at weekends. Without a lot of luck we would fail to identify a combination of big swings in close-up dry cow stocking rate between Thursday group changes, increased competition in the closeup group at the end of the week, & inadequate residual feed on Friday mornings. Without combining multiple data sources we risk missing the root cause entirely.
This project brings data from many sources into a single cloud database and was born of necessity, to allow rapid custom data analyses and automatic monitoring of complex farm systems. Without constantly improving this infrastructure, the our other services could not exist.